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Определение опрыскивателя

Вопрыскиватель is a special coating equipment using spraying technology. Вprinciple is to control the air flow to push the air reversing device to change direction instantly, so that the piston of the air motor can make stable and continuous reciprocating motion.

Вpressurized paint is pressurized, and the paint is delivered to the spray gun of the sprayer through the high-pressure hose, and the spray gun instantly atomizes the paint and releases it to the surface of the object to be coated. Вопрыскивательв основном состоит из подающего устройства, распылителя и источника распыления. Подходит для кожаных сумок, подарочной упаковки, мебели, обуви, автомобилестроения и других отраслей.
